GPAX Road Trip To The National Xterra Meet in Tennessee!
National Xterra Meet 2011
This past weekend 10 GPAX members headed south for over 800 miles to Tennessee for the 1st National Xterra Meet. The event included over 50 Xterras from all across the country. The event’s activities included an exclusive tour of the Nissan Plant in Smyrna, TN, a day of wheeling at Wooly’s Off-Road Park in Lewisburg, TN, and a BBQ & Raffle at the Wooly’s campground.

GPAX found a way to make this event our own and our presence was known to all. With our eccentric and unique members GPAX was easy to spot all weekend long. Our desire to make any occasion a party resulted in an impromptu tailgate party at the Sleep Inn paring lot on Friday night. Thanks to all the GPAX members who made the epic trip south and made this event one to remember.